Local Marketing: How The “Invisible Prospect” Will Make You or Break You!

Local Marketing

By Doren Aldana

NEWSFLASH: People are searching online for your products and services every single day. The question is, how much of that business are you capturing as a result of your local marketing efforts?

Here’s the rub: unless they contact you directly, you’ll never know exactly how many prospects are passing you by. That’s why we call them the “Invisible Prospect” — they’re not on your radar!

But, chances are, you’re unwittingly missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential business… all because of a simple, yet profound, little flaw in your local marketing plan.

To optimize your local marketing results, it’s mission critical that you understand what your “Invisible Prospect” is looking for and then position yourself as the only logical choice. Here’s exactly how to do it…

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